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Michael J. Fairchild Attorney At Law | Logo
Located in Menomonie, WI | 715-235-1998


Located in Menomonie, WI
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Located in Menomonie, WI

Helpful Information Regarding Fees

Legal costs are an understandable concern for most people when they need to retain the services of an attorney. While many other law firms can identify a set rate for services rendered, it is often more difficult to pinpoint exactly how much your legal fees can amount to because of the nature of how the courts and opposing parties operate. 

Reasonable Fees for Your Legal Needs

Michael J. Fairchild Attorney At Law will work diligently to keep your legal fees affordable and reasonable. Because of his years of legal experience, he can easily estimate fees for many areas of his typical practice, particularly if the parties involved are not contentious, and the matter is something that is likely to be easily resolved.

Since it is difficult to always predict what opposing parties or the courts may do in a given situation, he addresses representation fees on a case-by-case basis. You can contact him anytime for a quote, so don't hesitate to reach out to our office for help!
Call 715-235-1998
for Appointment Options!
Michael has been practicing law since 1984 and won the Volunteer of the Year Award from the Dunn County Historical Society for his legal work!
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